Slide with Bullets

  • Titles are formatted as Open Sans with bold applied and font size is set at 45
  • Title capitalization is title case
    • Subtitle capitalization is title case
  • Subtitle capitalization is title case
  • Titles and subtitles should never have a period at the end

Slide with Bullets that Build

Subtitle Placeholder

A list where items build:

  • Pressing 'h' highlights code snippets
  • Pressing 'p' toggles speaker notes (if they're on the current slide)
  • Pressing 'f' toggles fullscreen viewing
  • Pressing 'w' toggles widescreen
  • Pressing 'o' toggles overview mode
  • Pressing 'ESC' toggles off these goodies

Another list, but items fade as they build:

  • Hover over me!
  • Hover over me!
  • Hover over me!

Slide with (Smaller Font)

  • All links open in new tabs.
  • To change that this, add target="_self" to the link.

Code Slide (with Subtitle Placeholder)

Subtitle Placeholder

Press 'h' to highlight important sections of code (wrapped in <b>).

<script type='text/javascript'>
  // Say hello world until the user starts questioning
  // the meaningfulness of their existence.
  function helloWorld(world) {
    for (var i = 42; --i >= 0;) {
      alert('Hello ' + String(world));

Code Slide (Smaller Font)

// Say hello world until the user starts questioning
// the meaningfulness of their existence.
function helloWorld(world) {
  for (var i = 42; --i >= 0;) {
    alert('Hello ' + String(world));
  p { color: pink }
  b { color: blue }
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>My Awesome Page</title>
  <p>Hello world</p>

Using for math rendering

<script type='text/javascript'>
  // elementId is the id of a DOM element to render into
  katex.render("f(x) = \\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty \\hat f(\\xi) e^{2 \\pi i \\xi x} d\\xi", elementId);

Slide with Speaker Notes

Press 'p' to toggle speaker notes.

Presenter Mode

Add ?presentme=true to the URL to enabled presenter mode. This setting is sticky, meaning refreshing the page will persist presenter mode.

Hit ?presentme=false to disable presenter mode.

Slide with Image

source: place source info here

Slide with Image (Centered horz/vert)

source: place source info here

Table Option A

Subtitle Placeholder

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Row 1 placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder
Row 2 placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder
Row 3 placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder
Row 4 placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder
Row 5 placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder

Table Option A (Smaller Text)

Subtitle Placeholder

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Row 1 placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder
Row 2 placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder
Row 3 placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder
Row 4 placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder
Row 5 placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder

Table Option B

Subtitle Placeholder

Header 1 placeholder placeholder placeholder
Header 2 placeholder placeholder placeholder
Header 3 placeholder placeholder placeholder
Header 4 placeholder placeholder placeholder
Header 5 placeholder placeholder placeholder

Slide Styles

  • class="red"
  • class="red2"
  • class="red3"
  • class="blue"
  • class="blue2"
  • class="blue3"
  • class="green"
  • class="green2"
  • class="green3"
  • class="yellow"
  • class="yellow2"
  • class="yellow3"
  • class="gray"
  • class="gray2"
  • class="gray3"
  • class="gray4"
I am centered text with a and button.

Segue Slide

Subtitle Placeholder

Full Image (with Optional Header)
This is an example of quote text.

Slide with Iframe

<Thank You!>

Important contact information goes here.